
Run simple demo server on default port 2575:

twistd --nodaemon mllp

Run simple server with a custom receiver on port 7575:

twistd --nodaemon mllp --endpoint tcp:7575 --receiver myreceiver.Receiver

Options help:

twistd mllp --help


Installation of this package may result in a warning which can be ignored:

package init file 'twisted/plugins/' not found (or not a regular file)

Direct Factory & Reactor Usage

twistd & the mllp plugin are not required. You are able to directly start a twisted reactor or application, instantiating the, txHL7.mllp.MLLPFactory passing into it an instance of an txHL7.receiver.IHL7Receiver:

from twisted.internet import reactor
from txHL7.mllp import MLLPFactory
from myreceiver import Receiver

def run(port):
    receiver = Receiver()
    factory = MLLPFactory(receiver)

    reactor = get_reactor()
    reactor.listenTCP(port, factory)
